Quoting often causes problems for us, especially if we quote from various sources such as books, magazines, monographs. How to do it correctly? 

How to cite a book?

Plagiarism is reporting someone’s work (in the same or slightly modified form) without proper reference. Avoiding plagiarism, and therefore the right citation whenever we use someone else’s ideas, is a key element of learning. Using external sources does not mean that the author lacks independence and originality. Proper use of external sources indicates the selective selection of information and the degree of knowledge of the literature by the author. In general, two methods are used to use the work of other authors:

1) Marking the author’s name and year of publication of the source and placing quotation marks in the same way as in the source (word for word)

2) Designation of the author’s name and year of publication of the source, whose ideas we summarize or paraphrase.

citing book

We do not forget about quotation marks when we quote someone else’s words outright.

How to quote?

Quoting is not difficult at all. Everyone can quickly acquire this skill. Just read the tips below once to be able to use the quotes in the future. Remember, however, that we quote in a specific aspect, each transfused phrase has a role. You can use it as a polemic with other authors. Thanks to them, our knowledge and value of a given text increases – it is not only substantive but correct and proven on a certain basis. It has evidentiary value. A quote can be an example, part of a sentence or thought that you refer to.

Standards for footnotes

Book citation

In the footnote at the bottom of the page we provide:

First name (first letter of the first name with a dot) Author’s last name, Book title, place of publication year, p. Page or page number.

Citing a chapter from a book

First name (first letter of the first name with a dot) Surname (Chapter author), Chapter title, in: name surname (book editor) (ed.), Book title, place year, p. first page of the chapter – last page of the chapter

Citation of an article from a magazine

Name (author of the article), Article title, in: “Journal title” (year, number number in the year), page

Citing the same item for the second and subsequent time

Only the first time we include a full bibliographic description in the footnote, e.g. 

First name (first letter of the first name with a dot) Author’s last name, Book title, place of publication year, p. Page or page number.

How to cite

Very often, we use quotes when writing many different scientific papers like a master’s thesis or other written essays. First of all, it is an indicator that shows the appropriate substantiveness of the author, who turned to professional books for help and referred to the words of experts. The citation also shows our attitude to the works of other authors. Because using words already written or spoken is unlawful and unethical.



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